Are you living with the Paranormal?

Welcome, all, to a little space in the internet universe where living haunted is a way of life.  Yes, living with the paranormal can be scary, thrilling, exciting, unnerving, disquieting, annoying, fun, and amazing, sometimes all at once.  Here we’ll touch on all of these reactions along the way, and so much more.

First, if I may introduce myself… by day I’m an engineer, and by night I’m a paranormal investigator, researcher, and author.  I’m, the author of I Think My House is Haunted! and the Founder of Paranormal Consulting & Investigations of New Jersey. I grew up in an actively haunted house and thus have never questioned the existence of ghosts.  The house I live in now is haunted as well, although much more mildly.  It’s probably no coincidence – I’m just (oddly) comfortable in haunted places.

Living haunted is a different experience for everyone.  We’ll be talking about lots of reasons why that is and discussing some of the common types of experiences, as well as the unique ones.  There are also so many ways to learn about the paranormal – though personal experiences, though evidence collected by ghost hunters and parapsychologists, through meduims, near death experiences, life-between-lives regressions, and so much more… each gives us a small piece of the puzzle and when we put them all together there is so much to see!  Maybe there’s a reason some of us find ourselves living haunted… maybe it’s an invitation to a broader understanding of the true world, a world that our earthly existence is but a small part of.  Welcome aboard a wonderful journey as we venture into that world.

Joanne Emmons

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